The first and the only Gliderjet with an integrated turbine inside the model engineered to be an almost ready to fly kit.



The Jeemo is designed to host only two precise models of turbine: the Kingtech K-45G3, distributed in Italy by 8Fly Modellismo, official importer for Italy and technical sponsor of the project and the Xicoy X45 distributed direclty from Xicoy Electronica SL, Spain (

For this reasons, it can be easily assembled and ready to fly in approximately in 10 hours of work.

Jeemo is produced in only one layout, Fast Slope (FS), applying our latest EXTRALIGHT TECHNOLOGY.

The kit will be provided with everything is required for the installation of both turbines.

More precisely, the kit includes:

  • Plywood gas turbine support glued directly in the mold;
  • Gas turbine rails with correct incidence;
  • fuel tank rails;
  • dedicated fuel tank;
  • Gas turbine exhaust pipe that will provide correct contact with the fuselage;
  • 3D printed servo supports for wings servos;
  • High quality CNC milled wood supports for receiver (RX), battery and gas turbine control board;
  • Carbon fiber canopy ready to be installed;
  • glass fiber CNC milled wing and tails control horns.

Prices are subject to change due to international rate changes

Technical Data

 Unit of Measure Value
Wing span: mm  3.200
Wing area: dm2 77
Fuselage length: mm 1.700
Weight (FS, extralight tech.): kg 7,5
Wing load (FS, extralight tech.): g/dm2 97
Wing airfoil: n/a Mod. HN 163 TA

Technical Setup

Suggested Servos Setup  Brand Type Max Thickness
elevator: KST X10 10 mm
rudder: KST X10 10 mm
ailerons: KST X10 10 mm
flaps: KST X10 10 mm